Columbus Provides Notification and Extends Credit Monitoring

Working with federal authorities and cybersecurity experts, the City of Columbus continues its investigation and response to a July cybersecurity incident.

Learn More

Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein

Zach Klein
Columbus City Attorney
77 North Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
[email protected]

Administration Division

The principal work of the office of the City Attorney is “lawyering ” --prosecuting criminal misdemeanor offenses in the municipal court, advising the City departments as to their responsibilities, defending the City in “1983” actions in U.S. District Court, filing civil complaints to collect debts owed the City or reviewing contracts and legislation. The Administration Division provides the support for this work by providing those services that relate to human services, payroll, bill paying, purchasing, finance, technology and clerical assistance.

Bill R. Hedrick, Chief of Staff
77 North Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
614-645-8874 (ph)
614-645-6949 (fx)
[email protected]

Within this division are the following sections


Zach Klein, City Attorney614-645-7385[email protected]
Meredith Tucker, Chief of Staff614-645-8997[email protected]
Katie Aukerman, Special Asst. to the City Attorney614-645-8603[email protected]

Civil Legal Support

Baylor Dunn, Paralegal614-645-8850[email protected]
Doug Girard, Paralegal614-645-5454[email protected]
Marjorie Parsons, Legal Secretary614-645-7385[email protected]

Legal Assistants

Tiffany Kinder, Legal Assistant Director614-645-3216[email protected]
Bobbi Burley, Legal Administrative Coordinator614-645-8934[email protected]
Kristin Blevins, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-0395[email protected]
Barbara Estes, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-1599[email protected]
Jackie Keller, Legal Investigator/Paralegal614-645-8209[email protected]
Micahya LaMarr, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-8920[email protected]
Sariah Landers, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-6058[email protected]
Mitch Mohler, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-8970[email protected]
Allie Rohletter, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-1945[email protected]
Erin Rosenlieb, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-8866[email protected]
Arvetta Simpson, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-0401[email protected]
Paige Spivey, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-0768[email protected]
Anna Traylor, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-8918[email protected]
DeLandro Williams, Legal Administrative Assistant614-645-6579[email protected]


Adam Beckett, IT Director614-645-1856[email protected]
Jamie Fairchild, IT Assistant Director614-645-3145[email protected]
Ethan Newberry, Lead IT Administrator614-645-6694[email protected]