Columbus Provides Notification and Extends Credit Monitoring

Working with federal authorities and cybersecurity experts, the City of Columbus continues its investigation and response to a July cybersecurity incident.

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Prosecution - Appellate

Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein

Zach Klein
Columbus City Attorney
77 North Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
[email protected]

Appellate Unit

David Pelletier, Director
375 South High Street
17th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
614-645-6342 (Ph)
614-645-6548 (fx)

Appellate Unit personnel are responsible for the handling of appeals arising from the Prosecutor Division of the Columbus City Attorney’s Office. They also serve as legal advisors to the Trial Unit staff. Additionally, the Appellate Unit houses as many as ten law clerks that are responsible for the arraignment of most traffic offenders.

If you have a question regarding a case on appeal or if you are a law enforcement agency seeking an informal opinion of law, please contact ontact Orly Ahroni.

If you have a question regarding an upcoming traffic arraignment, please contact one of the Unit’s law clerks. The clerks cannot advise you regarding the Rules of Evidence, Rules of Traffic Procedure, or how to defend your case, but they can answer procedural questions and may be able to assist you. For more information on traffic arraignment, see our FAQ.

David Pelletier, Appellate Director614-645-0770[email protected]
Ryan Pelfrey, Appellate Attorney614-645-0771[email protected]
Joy Riley, Paralegal614-645-6342[email protected]

Appellate Clerks

Nathaniel Amaya, Legal Intern614-645-6695[email protected]
Julian Broderick, Legal Intern614-645-8894[email protected]
Sarah Herman, Legal Intern614-645-6761[email protected]
Jacob Lambert-Lyons, Legal Intern614-645-6664[email protected]
Robert Lee, Legal Intern614-645-6688[email protected]
Skylar Lord, Legal Intern614-645-6698[email protected]