Columbus Provides Notification and Extends Credit Monitoring

Working with federal authorities and cybersecurity experts, the City of Columbus continues its investigation and response to a July cybersecurity incident.

Learn More

Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein

Zach Klein
Columbus City Attorney
77 North Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
[email protected]

Claims Divison

Brian Shinn, Section Chief
77 North Front Street
4th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
614-645-7385 (ph)
614-724-6503 (fx)

The Claims Division handles pre-litigation claims against the City, as well as the collection of funds owed to the City. Non-tax collection efforts are initially handled without the filing of a lawsuit; however, should a matter not be resolved in the pre-litigation stage, then the Claims Division files suit. The Division handles all collection matters for the City. In addition, the Division handles all pre-litigation claims against the City that exceed the sum of $2,500.00. For more information, please click here

Contact an attorney in this Section:

Brian Shinn, Chief of Claims 614-645-5525[email protected]
Paul Khoury, Claims Attorney614-645-8914[email protected]
Brent Ralston, Claims Attorney614-645-7991[email protected]

Support Staff:

Tanya Banks, Paralegal/Legal Investigator614-645-7893[email protected]
Tonya Bowles, Paralegal/Legal Investigator614-645-8283[email protected]
David Fitzgerald, Paralegal/Legal Investigator614-645-1752[email protected]
Daniel Herbert, Paralegal/Legal Investigator614-645-7681[email protected]